Starts: 3:30 p.m. Thursday 31 October, 2019
Ends: 5:30 p.m. Thursday 5 December, 2019
Cost: Free!
Kia hiwa rā, kia hiwa rā. Tautī mai ki ēnei wānanga e aro ana ki te Hangarau Matihiko! Join Jude Cornelius and discover more fun and exciting ways to integrate the Hangarau Matihiko into your local curriculum. Experience a range of activities to take away and use across learning areas and levels. Save time and grow your skills and confidence as you meet like minded people and gain fresh ideas.
These meetups will be delivered bilingually and will cater for all participants. We invite all Māori and English Medium kaiako to attend as the skills and knowledge covered in these sessions are relevant to both contexts.
Ko te reo Pākehā te reo kawe i ēnei hui ā-kaupapa heoi anō he nui tonu te whaihua mō ngā kura arareo Māori. E pōhiritia ana ngā kaiako Arareo Māori kia uru mai kia kitea e koutou te hāngai o ngā pūkenga me ngā mātauranga ka kapia i ngā awheawhe ki nga horopaki ako Arareo Māori.
Work with Te Korowai o Ngāruahine to bring teachers on the journey wtih iwi and rangatahi digital strategies.
The sessions are: