Starts: 3:30 p.m. Tuesday 12 November, 2019
Ends: 5:30 p.m. Tuesday 12 November, 2019
Cost: Free!
Introduction of Kia Takatū ā-matihiko to kaiako and showcasing different aspects pertaining to Whakaaro Rorohiko & Te Tangata me te Rorohiko. Kia hiwa rā, kia hiwa rā. Tautī mai ki tēnei wānanga e aro ana ki te Hangarau Matihiko.
Ka ruku koe ki ngā tupuranga e rua o te Hangarau Matihiko;
Ka rāwekewekehia e koe;
Hei te mutunga o te wānanga;
Ako GameFroot | GameFroot for Teachers - Heretaunga - Hastings
Nau mai, haere Mai!
Come learn the basics of coding with Dan Milward from GameLab. Dan is the founder and CEO of Gamelab, and his goal in life is to make game creation accessible to everyone, including learners and teachers with no prior knowledge of coding and game design.
These sessions will be lead in (1) English and (2) Māori alongside Whare and Hohepa.
Come and experience basic programming (coding) out of the prying eyes of our students, as well as a chance to catch up with other local kaiako.