Accessible online

Starts: 3:30 p.m. Tuesday 17 November, 2020

Ends: 4:00 p.m. Tuesday 17 November, 2020

Cost: Free!



There is a hidden code that runs the world from food production to the air conditioning in your car. Learn to crack the code at this webinar.

Everything computers do is based on binary digits. Everything controlled by computers, from digital clocks to airplanes, relies on binary digits. Find out how easy it is to have fun with this fundamental concept with your students and potentially prevent future digital failures.

Binary digits are first mentioned in progress outcome 3 but the activities shown in this webinar support younger students also.

This virtual meetup is aligned to the Ministry of Education’s digital technologies implementation support tool and starts at now underway as it supports you to unpack the detail and get organised for change and takes you through to being 2020 ready and leading and innovating by supporting you to feel confident with an Ako style of teaching and learning.

To read more about the Digital technologies implementation support tool click here