Starts: 9:00 a.m. Wednesday 25 November, 2020

Ends: 4:00 p.m. Thursday 26 November, 2020

Cost: Free!

Wellington College
15 Dufferin Street
Mt Victoria, Wellington
Wellington region


Let’s run a conference together. Skills 2020: by the people for the people (the dumpster-fire year edition).

CS4HS won’t be going ahead at Victoria University of Wellington this year and in its absence we’re looking at putting together a mostly teacher led conference. Skills 2020 will run 25-26 November (should possible future COVID restrictions allow). We have been lucky to have the generous support of Victoria University of Wellington.

At this stage we’ve looking at what topics will be most useful, so we’re seeking your feedback about what you would like to learn across the conference. We also need people to share their knowledge and run sessions – so if there’s anything you think you can lead a session on let us know. Besides the formal sessions, we also hope to have bring and share sessions as well as opportunities for networking and open discussion.

Please preregister and share your ideas. Once everything is confirmed we will email and confirm your participation in the workshop.

We aim to run the conference without any direct cost, though relief costs and any travel and accommodation costs will need to be met through school’s PLD budgets. Those who travel and wish to stay in Wellington may find accommodation at Te Puni Village convenient (