Starts: 8:00 a.m. Wednesday 21 April, 2021
Ends: 3:00 p.m. Friday 23 April, 2021
Cost: Free!
Inspirational collaboration to build your confidence teaching DT & HM.
This is a FREE face to face Digital Technologies Teachers Aotearoa (DTTA) subject association event, for all teachers in Aotearoa. It's all about building your practice as a kaiako, for your learners.
Join us for 3 days of:
Hei te 21 tae atu ki te 23 o ngā rā o Paengawhawha 2021, ka tū tētahi hui mā ngā pouako hangarau matihiko i roto i ngā kura arareo Māori o Aotearoa.
E 3 ngā rā o te wānanga nei me ōna wāhanga katoa. Mā te uru, mā te mahi hoki e whakangungu ai, e whakapakari ai ō pūkenga pouako hei painga mō āu ākonga.
Nā reira, inā he take nui te whakaako hangarau matihiko, tēnā, nau mai haere mai ki tēnei wānanga mo kura arareo Māori.
Workshops and Sessions
This event includes a variety of workshops that allow time for upskilling but also planning what you've learnt into your teaching plan. Listed in the schedule is a brief description of each workshop for the various time slots. Simply turn up to sessions that interest you during the event, no requirement to book a slot.
Travel and accommodation expenses
Travel and accommodation subsidies are not available, however if you are a PPTA member, you may be interested in applying for a PPTA Grant to attend subject association conferences as this is a DTTA subject association conference.
This event will only be held if Canterbury is at Alert Level 1, and will be cancelled if the Alert Level is higher than 1. If the Alert Level changes during the event, the event organisers will make a decision if the event is to be immediately cancelled, or if it can continue under restructuring criteria that meet the required regulations. At any stage if an attendee feels unwell we would ask them to look after themselves first and stay home.
Check in for the event, grab your name tag and event handbook, and grab a drink if you've got time.
Meet fellow educators and enjoy some delicious food.
Hear about how the event will work, important announcements, and meet those leading you over the next three days.
Ko Daz Bell rāua ko Brett Cribb
Hei Paku Whakamārama
Nō Maui, nō Mahuika ngā momo āhuatanga katoa e hāngai ana ki te Hangarau Matihiko, he hiahia nō mātou ki te tiki ake i tō Mauitanga, i tō Mahuikatanga rānei. Ka whai wā mātou ki te ruku i ngā rētōtanga o te Whakaaro Rorohiko, o te Tangata me te Rorohiko anō hoki. Hei te mutunga iho, he rauemi hei whakakī i tō kete whakaako hei painga mā te tamariki i tō akomanga.Ka ruku ki ngā ngohe momotu, ngohe matihiko me ngā mahi whakarite kia pai te tupu, te rewa rānei i te kaupapa ki tō akomanga, ki tō kura rānei.
Ko Greg Ford rāua ko Jude Cornelius
Ka tuari tātou i ngā kaupapa me ngā whakaaro mō aua kaupapa, ā, ka honoa ki te marau me ngā paerewa paetae NCEA.
Years 1 to 10 - Led by Melissa Jones
Weaving in digital technologies learning conversations to enhance your assessment and identify with your students next steps for learning.
NCEA - Led by Tim Bell
This workshop will cover the content required to teach this NCEA standard. There will be an opportunity to add to your kete with teaching material while working alongside your colleagues and Tim Bell.
Years 4-10 - Led by Malcolm Clarke
How to get started and/or enhance learning through integration of physical computing projects into your teaching.
Years 1 to 10 - Led by Karl Summerfield
With the awesome Rauami Pīkau resources as a guide, dive into integrating DT into your local curriculum using authentic contexts.
Led by John Creighton
Want to know more about Scholarship Technology, what the mark schedule looks like and what it means in kid language? How to start and finish, Some helpful activities to start out? This workshop will allow you to have a look through a number of Tech Scholarships across Digital Electronics, Programming, Game Design etc. These exemplars are all from Burnside, from students who have been successful over the last 10 Years. There are examples from just over the lines to Outstanding. Come have a catch up and discussion. If you have students who are interested in Scholarship this year, then bring their ideas, and we can explore them.
Ko Rosalie Reiri rāua ko Te Whainoa Te Wiata
Ahakoa tauhou mai, ahakoa mātanga mai, he kōwhiringa tēnei mā ngā kaiako e hiahia ana ki te whai mōhiotanga mō tēnei kaupapa. He awheawhe tēnei e whakapuare ai te ao hangarau matihiko mā te rāweke i ngā taputapu me te kōrerotahi.
Ka whai pānga ngā kōrero ki te marautanga o hangarau matihiko me ōna anga e rua, arā, ko te Whakaaro Rorohiko me te Tangata me te rorohiko. Ā, ka tirohia ētehi ngohe momotu ka taea te kawe tōtika ki te karaehe, whakamahi ai.
Ngā hua o te mahi:
Take time to recharge and refresh with your fellow kaiako, before an afternoon of workshops.
Ko Rosalie Reiri rāua ko Te Whainoa Te Wiata
Ko Greg Ford rāua ko Jude Cornelius
Ko tēnei he tapiritanga ki te wānanga ki tōmua.
Ko Daz Bell rāua ko Brett Cribb
NCEA - Led by Tim Bell
This workshop will cover the content required to teach this NCEA standard. There will be an opportunity to add to your kete with teaching material while working alongside your colleagues and Tim Bell.
Continuation of previous session.
Continuation of previous session.
Led by Steve Dunford
Flask is a web framework for Python that allows you to create modern, dynamic and easily portable web projects that were traditionally developed using PHP and MySQL. In this workshop we'll cover the Flask basics by building a simple dynamic website that uses HTML templates and a database. We'll also look at how you can use it with level 2 and 3 classes - combining Python, HTML, CSS and an SQL relational database into a full-year 14 credit project.
Meet up with educators for those in the following regions:
Meet up with educators for those in the following regions:
Meet up with educators for those in the following regions:
Meet up with educators for those in the following regions:
Meet up with educators for those in the following regions:
Meet up with educators for those in the following regions:
Enjoy canapes at the official end of the day, but why not find some fellow educators to have a meal with.
Two vans will be available to drop attendees off to Bush Inn (collection of local eateries) and nearby accommodation. Leaving at 6pm from Central Lecture Theatres.
Get inspired for another day, along with any important announcements.
Years 1 to 13 - Led by Victoria Reille
A snapshot of Tahi Rua Toru Tech FREE 10 week DT challenge, providing teachers with a basic understanding of how to implement the challenge into their classrooms whilst drawing on the support of industry professionals through TechHub and ShadowTech.
Years 7 to 10 and all Māori Medium - Led by Sarah Washbrooke and Malcolm Clarke
An introduction to working with classroom teachers to support DT integration via authentic contexts across curriculum areas.
Years 4 to 6 - Led by Kate Allan
Explore classroom ready resources to support teaching programming with Scratch in your classroom.
Years 1 to 3 - Led by Tracy Henderson and Joanne Roberts
Explore how CS Unplugged activities not only support your teaching of the DT curriculum content, but also provide a wide range of learning opportunities from oral language to numeracy and science. This workshop is an opportunity to learn these activities and how they connect to the NZC.
Meet fellow educators and enjoy some delicious food.
Led by Craig Jefferies
Unpacking project based learning in a range of authentic contexts including Electronics, Digital Media and Web Application development. Deconstructing successful projects at AME and looking at the use of instructions/scaffolds to guide and direct students when using "Develop a Design" and "Iterative process" Achievement standards to assess student work. Specifically at NCEA Level 2 and Level 3. Then finally some future thinking around how Digital Technologies and CAD/CAM can be integrated for successful engineering outcomes.
Years 1 to 10 - Led by Keryn Hooker
During the first 2 hours of this session we will cover an introduction to Local Curriculum and Digital Technologies. We will also unpack the new Aotearoa NZ Histories Draft doc, as part of the Local Curriculum mahi. You will then have the next 2 hours to weave your new knowledge into the ongoing mahi at your kura.
Years 7 to 10 - Led by Dan Milward
Find out how to use Gamefroot (a NZ based platform) to teach your students creative coding, and design thinking, while experiencing the thrill of publishing content like real game developers. All resources are based on solving real industry problems and learning coding concepts from the NZC.
Ko Daz Bell rāua ko Brett Cribb
Hei Paku Whakamārama
Nō Maui, nō Mahuika ngā momo āhuatanga katoa e hāngai ana ki te Hangarau Matihiko, he hiahia nō mātou ki te tiki ake i tō Mauitanga, i tō Mahuikatanga rānei. Ka whai wā mātou ki te ruku i ngā rētōtanga o te Whakaaro Rorohiko, o te Tangata me te Rorohiko anō hoki. Hei te mutunga iho, he rauemi hei whakakī i tō kete whakaako hei painga mā te tamariki i tō akomanga.Ka ruku ki ngā ngohe momotu, ngohe matihiko me ngā mahi whakarite kia pai te tupu, te rewa rānei i te kaupapa ki tō akomanga, ki tō kura rānei.
Ko Greg Ford rāua ko Jude Cornelius
Ka tuari tātou i ngā kaupapa me ngā whakaaro mō aua kaupapa, ā, ka honoa ki te marau me ngā paerewa paetae NCEA.
NCEA - Led by Tim Bell
This workshop will cover the content required to teach this NCEA standard. There will be an opportunity to add to your kete with teaching material while working alongside your colleagues and Tim Bell.
Years 1 to 3 - Led by Karl Summerfield
With the awesome Rauami Pīkau resources as a guide, dive into integrating DT into your local curriculum using authentic contexts.
Years 4 to 6 - Led by Tracy Henderson
Explore and learn how to teach programming via Unplugged methods. These resources are a sneakpeak into what is being worked on and this session is for those new to teaching programming and those looking for new ideas to approach teaching programming.
NCEA - Led by Samuel O'Sullivan
Game design can be an attractive and engaging topic, however it can have a steep learning curve. This course will give you an introduction and overview of the game development process. We will introduce one of the most popular game engine Unity with C# programming. Game design also has some interesting advantages in NCEA including: student team work, artistic expression, agile development, and quality feedback and testing sessions. Please have Unity installed on your laptops before this session.
Ko Rosalie Reiri rāua ko Te Whainoa Te Wiata
Ahakoa tauhou mai, ahakoa mātanga mai, he kōwhiringa tēnei mā ngā kaiako e hiahia ana ki te whai mōhiotanga mō tēnei kaupapa. He awheawhe tēnei e whakapuare ai te ao hangarau matihiko mā te rāweke i ngā taputapu me te kōrerotahi.
Ka whai pānga ngā kōrero ki te marautanga o hangarau matihiko me ōna anga e rua, arā, ko te Whakaaro Rorohiko me te Tangata me te rorohiko. Ā, ka tirohia ētehi ngohe momotu ka taea te kawe tōtika ki te karaehe, whakamahi ai.
Ngā hua o te mahi:
Refuel, rest, and recharge as you reach the middle of day two!
Continuation of previous session.
Continuation of previous session.
Continuation of previous session.
Ko Greg Ford rāua ko Jude Cornelius
Ko tēnei he tapiritanga ki te wānanga ki tōmua.
Led by Tim Bell
This workshop will cover the content required to teach this NCEA standard. There will be an opportunity to add to your kete with teaching material while working alongside your colleagues and Tim Bell.
Continuation of previous session.
Meet up with educators for those in the following regions:
Meet up with educators for those in the following regions:
Meet up with educators for those in the following regions:
Meet up with educators for those in the following regions:
Meet up with educators for those in the following regions:
Meet up with educators for those in the following regions:
Enjoy a delicious sit down meal with your fellow kaiako at the end of the day.
For those who requested transport, vans will be leaving Undercroft (dinner location) at 7:30 PM.
Enjoy one of Christchurch's most relaxing places, He Puna Taimoana, in a private booking just for event attendees!
Get inspired for another day, along with any important announcements.
Join Hinerangi, Rosalie, Te Whainoa and our facilitation team to work alongside them to take what we have learnt over the past 2 days and weave it into our everyday lives.