Sets of printable cards of New Zealand achievement objectives and progress outcomes.
Integrate sources of information, processes, and strategies purposefully, confidently, and precisely to identify, form, and express increasingly sophisticated ideas.
uses an increasing understanding of the connections between oral, written, and visual language when creating texts;
creates a range of increasingly coherent, varied, and complex texts by integrating sources of information and processing strategies;
seeks feedback and makes changes to texts to improve clarity, meaning, and effect;
is reflective about the production of own texts: monitors and self evaluates progress, articulating learning with confidence.
Learning area: English
Curriculum level: 8
Speaking, Writing, Presenting
Processes and strategies
Sample achievement objective card
In authentic contexts and taking account of end-users, students participate in teacher-led activities to develop, manipulate, store, retrieve and share digital content in order to meet technological challenges. In doing so, they identify digital devices and their purposes and understand that humans make them. They know how to use some applications, they can identify the inputs and outputs of a system, and they understand that digital devices store content, which can be retrieved later.
Learning area: Technology
Number: 1
Technological area: Designing and Developing Digital Outcomes
Sample progress outcome card