
Digital Technologies Teachers Aotearoa
Technological area
Progress outcomes
NZQA standards
None listed
Added 3 years, 1 month ago
Updated 2 years, 10 months ago


Kaitiakitanga: Sustainable 3D printing is a rauemi / resource that supports students to explore Kaitiakitanga; Sustainable 3D printing through Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko. The resource is made up of a slide deck with supporting rauemi/resources in English.

This project, Kaitiakitanga: Sustainable 3D printing was created by Sarah Washbrooke and Trudy Keys at Ara Ako who gave their time, knowledge and creativity to design this for others to be inspired. These kaiako attended Ara Ako 2021 as individuals.

To attribute this work please use the following text:
This rauemi is available under CC SA-BY-NC at
Rauemi by Sarah Washbrooke and Trudy Keys, created during Ara Ako 2021


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