
Curriculum learning area
Technological area
Progress outcomes
NZQA standards
None listed
Year levels
Added 5 years, 10 months ago
Updated 5 years, 10 months ago


Below are possible instructions that can be used with the video series / assets. I’ve opted to use GIMP as an image editing tool as it is powerful and open source which means that students can easily download it without needing to pay for a license. If students have Photoshop and know how to use it, the activity can be completed using that piece of software.

Teachers are welcome to download the following puzzles for the first session. I colour printed the puzzles, cut them up, laminated them and then cut up the pieces. It took a while but was worth the effort. The puzzles which have mystery words next to them can be solved by looking at the quotes at the centre of each piece and using the first letter of the quote as the letter in the mystery word.

Example from the video series.


Click any of the components below to access them.