Date: 28/09/2018
The development of the standards and resources to support the new Digital Technologies & Hangarau Matihiko curriculum is progressing well.
Standards and resources for NCEA levels 2 and 3 have been trialled and are in the final stages of review. They will be available from early December, along with the teaching and learning guides.
To assist with planning for next year, the updated Standards Matrix is now available:
The release of the replacement DT&HM Achievement Standards signals the start of the decommissioning of the existing Digital Technology standards. The expiration of the level 2 and 3 standards has been staggered to allow more time to make the transition.
The supports for level 1 continue to be developed.
The Ministry is grateful for the contributions made by education leaders, teachers, and kaiako towards the development, trialling and refinement of these standards and resources.
Copied from 28 September 2018