For more information see:
The NCEA Change Package will make our senior secondary qualification more robust, consistent, inclusive and accessible for students of all abilities and backgrounds.
The Minister of Education has announced the NCEA Change Package which will strengthen NCEA for all our young people.
The seven changes are:
Read the NCEA Change Package Overview 2019 for more detail about the changes, the journey we took with New Zealand to get to them, and what an NCEA programme could look like.
Around 16,000 New Zealanders took part in the year-long review of NCEA, and the Ministry of Education is to continue to work with stakeholders to confirm a detailed design and implementation plan for the changes by the end of the year.
It's great to hear the lively debating happening around the country about the NCEA Change Package. We’ve heard some discussions that could benefit from extra clarity or information.
These questions and answers will help to address some misconceptions.